Andy Murray, Making History, Making a Legend

About 5 years ago, in 2008, I renewed my interest in tennis and found a gangly Scot making his way in to the quarter finals at Wimbledon.  A bit of a nobody at that time, bit of a rough diamond. I thought he had a spark of life that made him worth watching and watch him I did every Wimbledon match possible from them on, believing that one day, he would win Wimbledon. Friends said who? and why? and I just said because he’s a fellow Scot, he’s from the next town, because he’s good!

Last year, Andy got to the finals, but lost to Roger Federer. In a famous understatement, he said with tears in his eyes, “I’m getting closer”.

Watching Andy Murray win Wimbledon this year was a dream come true. His playing was superb, instinctive and brilliant. No one doubted that this year, he earned his titlle and deserved to win.

We know he grew up in Dunblane, a small Scottish town in Scotland, and went to the school where a mad gunman massacred a bunch of 16 unsuspecting kids and their teacher one sunny day. We know how he practised in local tennis clubs until his parents eventually sent him a tennis academy in Spain where he worked hard to learn his craft and build his physical stamina. A knee defect where the bones in one of his knees didn’t join as they should has some times caused him problems as well as pain. Despite this physical problem, he has gone on to win Wimbledon as well as Olympic Gold and Silver medals and other tennis titles.

What is maybe not so well known is he comes from Braveheart country, the part of Scotland where despite overwhelming odds, legendary Scots fought to victory agains the English to win Independence for Scotland. First there was William Wallace, immortalised by Mel Gibson in his film “Braveheart” followed by King Robert the Bruce, King of Scots, who won the final defeat against the English at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314.

Andy comes from a line of fighting men who don’t give up till they have won and win he most certainly has done!!!

Building Momentum

Perhaps the simplest thing of all is to realise that it is just keeping on going that gets you there in the end. It takes dedication and persistence. Often times it seems pointless. Does anyone read my blog? Did it make any difference in their life? Well, there is one thing it does, and that is it keeps creating an aspect of my business and keeps me focusing on building it up.

How to Build Your List

One of the key elements of building your online business is your list of subscribers and contacts. It used to be considered a gold mine.

Brian Oliver has a complete training line up which will take you through all the steps you need to build a list for your business. This is vital step to be able to promote your products to your customers or clients and grow your business, whatever field you are in.

Making Progress

When I first started out, it ticked all the boxes. And I jumped in feet first. Great, I thought. I’ve started. This is easy. And so began an interest in Internet Marketing, or Information Publishing as some people describe it.

That feeling lasted for about a week.

Then, suddenly, I was swamped. There were SOOooo many things to learn, things to do to get up and running before I even got to square zero, new words, no definitions, new actions on the computer, jumping off from what felt like the top board, when I should be at the shallow end of the pool, sites I’d never heard of and now needed to be able to navigate around. Yes life on the control panel side is different from the happy browser clicking her way around the internet…. With only a few hours a couple of evenings a week, the course zoomed out ahead of me. And me, I was still at the starting post working out which way to face, staring at glitches and stopped by the hitches, confused by the stitches it took to keep it together.

Suddenly a year went by. I didn’t quite make it to the end of the course. But I didn’t give up on it, dipped in and out of it, slipped around and about in it, picked up bits of it….always came back to it…maybe one day…

But today was a good day. I got back to my blog, poshed up a post, published it promptly. Did some work on the course. Wow, that wasn’t so tough.

Found some later lessons, took a sneak peak, didn’t collapse in a heap.

Gosh, now that makes more sense. I can see where I am going and how to get there. And now I can see how I can use it and make it my own.

It’s exciting and looks like good fun. I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and do some more.

There are so many internet marketing websites and “gurus” out there that it’s hard to know where to start, who to trust, who to go to.

For some people, it’s the very real fear of being scammed. Even a small amount of money can be a lot to the person spending it and it can add up if it happens more than once.

Then there is the ever-present risk of what happens to your personal details after you’ve  entered your name and email address, or your card or other important ID details on a page. It’s been known to happen that a person started to fill in a form with email adress and name, then changed their mind and left the page before they pressed submit or to confirm those details, came out of the page totally, only to find that their  details had already been captured and the site was using them.  Next thing they started receiving mailings and offers from the site which they hadn’t actually joined.

Then there are the spammy emails that suddenly start appearing in your inbox, and you wonder how they got your details and who maybe sold on your details…

So, is there somewhere you CAN go that you can rely on? Somewhere you can find out  find out who other people have learned is trustworthy?  Which products are worth buying?

There is one place I go when I want to find out more about a program or product and see reviews by people who have bought the product or worked with the person. It’ s IM Report

The reviews are by real people, and the sites and products are graded on a simple A+, A-, B+, B-, C+, C- scale with the reason why the reviewer thought they were good or not.

You can make up your own mind based on people’s real experience with the product being reviewed or the marketer who created it. The reviews are independent and I’ve found it very helpful and useful, especially when I first got on line. It helped me sort out who to listen to and where to spend my hard earned cash for good value and who to leave alone.

There are other interesting features and sections. Time spent here is well worth it.

IM Report  Check it out here and find out for yourself.

First Encounter with a Millionaire

Thomas J Stanley PhD is a man whose niche is millionaires. He’s met and interviewed, studied and written about more millionaires than probably anyone else– except perhaps Napoleon Hill, who wrote “Think and Grow Rich”. He’s the go-to man for talk shows, lectures, forums about millionaires. And it’s made him a millionaire. He’s famous for his best -seller books, including the “The Millionaire Next Door”.

He tells this charming story of how he met his first millionaire. I thought you might be interested too!


“My First Encounter with a Millionaire

When I was a boy, we lived in a small apartment in a blue-collar section of the Bronx. Just a quarter mile away was the wealthiest neighborhood in New York City, a residential community called Fieldston, aka Mansionville! I was nine years old. I told my eleven-year-old sister, “I’m disgusted with the marginal propensity of the people in our own blue-collar neighborhood to give to trick-or-treaters on Halloween. I think we need to move out of our neighborhood this Halloween and go to Fieldston.” So, Sissy, her two friends and I began by cold-calling a home on Waldo Avenue in Fieldston. The first home we identified was on two acres with a large wall and a large gate. It sat one hundred and fifty feet from the street. There were no lights on.

I knocked on the door for five minutes. Finally, it opened up, and there was James Mason, the distinguished British actor in front of me. “Trick or treat,” I said in my best Halloween commando voice. Mr. Mason informed us that he had no candy to hand out but he would give us “all the silver in the house.” This was my first affluent experience! While he was inside the house gathering our “treat” I told my sister, “it’s either coins, flatware, or some combination of both.” That kind man gave us two handfuls of nickels, dimes, quarters, and half-dollars, the equivalent of what we would have received if we had trick-or-treated at three hundred blue-collar households. That’s what it means to be wealthy in America.

After our stop at Mr. Mason’s home, we noticed that the lights were on at the English Tudor-style home across the street. Attached to the front door was a note: “Attention, trick-or-treaters. My husband is ill. Don’t ring, don’t knock. You’ll find coins in the milk box.” Inside the box was a treasure trove: more than twenty business envelopes with lovely black writing on them. The envelopes were designated for groups of one or two, three, four, five, six or seven trick-or-treaters. Eight-plus was the big envelope, and there were three for each category. We removed only one envelope, for the group of four; then we left Fieldston and went home. Twenty years later I began studying the affluent in America. And I am still as enthusiastic as that young trick-or-treater!”


How to get the Most from Facebook

There are more ways than one to use Facebook. It can get confusing, especially as the changes to Facebook come fast and furious. Like Page Domination is one opportunity to find out how to quickly and easily.

Like Page Domination from Eamon Diamond lives up to Eamon’s name.

If you haven’t already heard about this then go check it out
right now. Here’s 3 reasons why you don’t want to miss out…

1 # John and Eamon’s training is the simplest like page training I’ve seen!
2 # There’s no guarantee the price will remain at such a low price!
3 # Everyone that has purchased has been totally satisfied with their purchase!

Those three reasons alone is enough to tell you that Like Page Domination
is a popular product.

So don’t leave it until it’s too late or you’ll miss out BIG TIME!

Go here: to find out more

You know Facebook rules at the moment, so get your very own Facebook Timeline
templates and make the most of Facebook’s phenomenal success!




Gareth Kentish Ebay Guide, Your Key to the Ebay Door

From someone who walks the talk and knows how to get results, Gareth Kentish shows us how to make the best use of eBay as a successful home business.

Gareth moved to France, where he lives his dream.  And he tells us and shows us how he did it.

He became debt free, owns his own home and pursues his interests in cycling and other things — like more time with his family, better quality of life, and opportunities available to him to improve things even further.

Wouldn’t you like to know how he did it?

Despite all the doom and gloom being spread daily by the newspapers to stop you before you get started,  scarey tales of economic slow down, recession and crisis, there are people who are succeeding in life and who want to help others get along too. When you find such a one, and he’s the genuine article, it’s worth finding out what he has to say, and what you can learn from him to give yourself a boost up.

Ebay has changed over the years. Gareth’s guide will give you the most up-t0-date tips and advice because it’s a freshly written by someone who is selling on Ebay now and using it to make a good living.

Musings from the Mountainside

There are a lot of things being said about the economy, about recession and finance, personal, national and global.

No matter what the “experts” try to tell us, there are some fundamental things you can rely on which don’t change. It’s not a question of fashion or whether you follow one brand of economics or another or which political party you belong to, it’s just practical laws of life, no matter what any one says.  These are simple things like  income must be greater than an outgo. For any individual or group to survive, it has to give good exchange with the people around it. The more and the better the quantity and quality of the exchange, the better things will be.

We don’t make money. Only the Mint “makes money” when it stamps coins and prints notes. What we can be sure of is the more money it  “makes”,  if the amount of goods and service available to consumers stays the same, the greater the amount inflation will be

We give value and service and deliver products . How good we are at doing this depends on how creative we are,  how well we think and then follow through and act. Sometimes there’s a gap in between the moment when we think and the time when we act. Sometimes we need to learn how to do something first before we can deliver a service or create a product, and it might not be as short as we’d hoped…. and so we are going forward on a promise and hope of a dream. Better that than no hope of something better and doing nothing to make it change for the better.

There is something we can be sure of. If we try to help people and we  do and produce things that will help them, we’ll be of  more value, more use to others and to ourselves, and that will help us all to survive.   Money and goods will flow and move and we can breathe some life into it. Sometimes, it seems to me that’s what internet marketing is about.

What do you think?


Welcome to 2013

One of the best decisions I made in 2012 was joining John Thornhill’s coaching program, Partnership to Success.

Getting yourself a mentor is one of the best ways to guarantee your success on line. You can learn by trial and error, or you can learn from someone who has been before you and worked it out. This is infinitely faster. Of course, if you want to carry on as a pioneer and “Do it my way”, go right ahead. On the other hand, you can learn from someone else and learn from their mistakes, which is a lot easier on your purse, time and patience, I’d say.

What do you get when you sign up with someone’s coaching program?

You get the mindset that succeeds.

You get the results much easier and quicker. You also get contacts and can build relationships. These people are not going to look at you blankly and tell you are wasting your time, it can’t be done, you don’t have what it takes, or or or…whatever negative that gets thrown your way and makes you doubt yourself, doubt whether it’s worth it, if it’s just a pipe dream and wishful thinking.

What you get is a chance to connect with a group of like minded people heading in a similar direction and it’s worth it for that.

When you find out that they stayed up late, struggled to work through their own barriers,  which can be different for each one, and they made it through to success, you know they’ve been where you are now and they know how it feels and they know what they did to get through it and out the other side.

Yes, I’d say it was the best decision I made in 2012 and I can say that 2013 will be a better year for me and I will have company on the way, which makes it even better.




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