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Diabetes. It is a scourge of modern life — a lifestyle disease.

It’s not a broken bone which hopefully can be fixed and you carry on with your life after a few weeks or months.

It’s not like having a baby which is a normal part of life for women.

It’s a condition that is relentless, progressive — and expensive.

It costs billions in direct health care costs in the UK alone.

Factor in the cost of a lifetime of multiple drugs after diagnosis, of annual screenings and monitoring patients in doctor’s surgeries and hospitals up and down the country.

Factor in the rising rates of people developing Type 2 diabetes as they grow older into middle age onwards.

Factor in the earlier and earlier ages at which Type 2 diabetes is now being found and being diagnosed. It’s now much more common in young adults and appearing even children.

It leads to complications. It brings about other medical issues which in turn are costly and life changing — leg ulcers, leading to gangrene and leg amputations, progressive blindness, kidney failure, impotence to list a few of the common and more severe ones.

It can increase the risk and occurrence of heart problems and strokes, of blood pressure problems and cholesterol issues. And those in turn add to the list of medications a person can be prescribed by their doctor. Not to mention the side effects that medications have.

It has been said Diabetes is incurable.

And for the pharmaceutical industry, the life time dependence on the drugs and other medical supplies such as testing kits, syringes to inject insulin or draw blood samples for lab work, dressings for leg ulcers, creams and ointments for open wounds, the training of nurse practitioners, the production costs of supplies, equipment such as blood testing meters for patients on insulin, the scientists and technicians employed to produce all the drugs and paraphernalia needed — it spirals into a mind-boggling demand on health care budgets and it has to be said, health profits for the pharmaceutical industry.

Considering that for the most part, doctors do not study about nutrition and its relationship to health as part of their medical degrees, very few look beyond the conventional approach they are taught in university, to use a drug or medicine to get a result when presented with ill patient.

However, a medical researcher in Nottingham University, Professor Ron Taylor asked some different questions and took a different approach. He evolved a therapy based on a diet approach to help the body to resolve the issues which were contributing to patient’s diabetes. He achieved success with his program.

Another doctor, Michael Mosely, well-known from his work with the BBC as a presenter, was shocked to be given a personal diagnosis of diabetes. He didn’t want to start taking drugs or medication to handle his condition. He found the program of Professor Taylor, followed it and resolved his diabetes condition within a very short time without the need of drugs or medication.

Dr Michael Mosely has written a book about his experience popularising the pioneering work done by Professor Taylor, in the book “The Blood Sugar Diet”. It’s tough. There are many reviews online of people who are successful practitioners of the methods outlined in the book, who got off their diabetes medications, and got the all clear from their doctor.

If you want to do more, you can buy the book from Amazon or find out about the program here:

All the best and I wish you every success if this applies to you or someone you know.


Treasure Trove in the Public Domain

Public Domain.

So, what is it?

Technically anything out of copyright has passed into the public domain. There are slightly different laws about copyright in different countries relating to copyright. The general purpose of copyright however, is to protect the individual who created a work of art, an invention, a piece of music or some other product so that other people cannot profit from his or her work until he or she has had a reasonable chance to or claim it as their own.

Public domain is defined in “Whatis.com” as

“Public domain is a designation for content that is not protected by any copyright law or other restriction and may be freely copied, shared, altered and republished by anyone. The designation means, essentially, that the content belongs to the community at large. Copyright restrictions vary among types of content and different countries.”

There are limitless amounts of material in the public domain, available for recycling and reusing, reinventing or recreating into new, exciting and different forms.

Splurge on it.

Essential Oils for Health and Wellbeing

Essential oils have a role to play in preventing ill health
and disease — always the best option– or encouraging our bodies to heal and recover faster if disease has set in.

Antibiotics have become less effective in recent years leading to fears that hospital operations may be affected or prevented due to the existence of bugs which can resist the strongest of antibiotics we now have.

There are on record some strains of bacteria which are completely resistant to all known antibiotics, meaning that the usual relied-upon medical treatment for patients who contract diseases caused by those bacteria won’t work. We have relied on antibiotics for so long and so heavily that we have forgotten earlier solutions and not developed new ones.

In the plant kingdom, living plants have developed the ability to produce chemicals within the plant which can help that individual plant to withstand attacks from insects, different kinds of fungus, bacteria and virus attacks.

Some of these uses have been known and used by our grandmothers, by traditional medical herbalists and healers down through the ages. Many of them have fallen out of use and even out of living memory in some cases.

To give some examples, from the neighbouring country of France a friend who grew up in Paris, told me how his mother treated colds; whenever he began to catch a cold, his mother cut a slice of bread, buttered it, spread it with finely chopped, raw garlic and gave it to him to eat. That was it.

A bit further south in Provence, another child told how when the winter season came and colds and flu were going around, if he was sick in bed, his mother would put a pot of water on the back of the stove, load it up with lavender and rosemary and let the beautifully scented vapour diffuse through the whole house. This was the traditional treatment in his part of the country.

This fragrant solutions sounds wonderfully rustic country cottage and quaint in our modern world of antiseptics and chemical sanitizers.

So, is there any scientific evidence to back up such an activity?

The skin is our first line of defence. It covers all the organs in our bodies to protect them from toxins and infections.

In the cases of burns, open wounds are a break in this protective barrier. However, they cannot be covered with bandages or coverings, leaving the layers below exposed to airborne bacteria.

Scientific studies done recently have shown that certain combinations of essential oils diffused into the atmosphere can dramatically lower the amount of infections in burn wounds.

Lavender is one such oil. It has been found lavender promotes healing while keeping wounds from developing infection. Another very effective oil is geranium oil. One of the strongest of oils is oil of oregano, the same herb we love to put on our pizzas and our Italian recipes. Perhaps the strongest essential oils is cinnamon,

A Colourful Change in Afghanistan

This short video from the BBC caught my eye.

A change taking place in Afghanistan in an unexpected direction shows a colourful scene in Afghanistan



“Outlander” brings to life a Scotland past and a Scotland present.

Watching Jamie in his traditional kilt enacting the part of a Scottish laird in the 1740′s
popularises the Scottish culture and ethos around the world. With his Scottish Highlander
integrity and values of honour, hospitality, friendship, loyalty, he give inspiration to a
way of life that was suppressed by the English then event until now. The Gaelic language,
once widespread throughout the country, nowadays, is spoken only in a few parts of the country,
mostly the more remote and rural areas in the West and North.

It is interesting that a Gaelic speaker once told me, there is no word in Gaelic for enemy.
There is only an “unfriend” and no word for “hate”

It is also interesting that a film series about characters living in Scotland during the
time of the Scottish Wars of Independence, the Jacobite Rebellion and the various battles
that took place around that time such as the Battle of Culloden and the Battle of Prestonpans
should be so popular around the world.

Apparently, David Cameron, as Prime Minister, had not wanted the series to be shown in the
United Kingdom, as he didn’t want to increase the popularity of Scottish Independence ahead
of the Scottish Independence Referendum. And so, it was produced by Hollywood, filmed in
Scotland and released worldwide, but unknown in Scotland for quite some time after its

Earlier this year, I met a group of Chinese teachers visiting the UK from a city I had never
heard of in central China. But they had watched “Outlander” — and loved it whilst I had never
heard of it nor seen it.

Later in the year, I paid a visit to Doune Castle in Central Scotland, where my nieces had once
played hide and seek as children near the village where they grew up.

Doune Castle was used as the location for Castle Leoch. This time, it was mobbed by tourists
and visitors from all over the world, Japanese, American, German, French visiting the locations
of Outlander or following the Jacobite trail. With parking (which was full) and copies of Diane
Galbadon’s Outlander series of books for sale, the Castle has taken on a new life.

A man with American accent approached: “Do you speak English?” Relieved that we did, he wanted
to know, Do you know what the name of that pretty pink flower is that’s growing by the roadside?
We did and could tell him. It’s Rosebay Willow Herb.

All along the roadsides leading up to the Castle and for miles around, the verges were thick
with vast swathes of willow herb, turning hills and lochsides pink, next to mounds of purple
heather just unfolding its tiny bells. And rowan berries turning scarlet as they ripened.

Claire would have been happy with all the herbs and plants.

So with that in mind, here are some of the favourite Scottish locations of the artist and crew
working on Outlander.

Here is Jamie’s favourite, and I have to agree with him, even my blog header is based on photos
I took of Skye. And Skye is one of my favourite places in Scotland.


And to add to that is Kinloch Rannoch, used for the setting of the standing stones scenes where Claire
is transported back to the past.


It would only be appropriate that the character who plays Prince Charles Stuart, Andrew Gower, would love
Stirling Castle, the childhood home of the Stuart Kings just before the Union of the Crowns when a Stuart king of the
Scots became the King of England.


How the Global Warming Scare Began

According to John Coleman, there is no significant global warming.

So, who is John Coleman?

John Coleman is the Founder of the Cable Network The Weather Channel, He has been named Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year of the American Meteorological Society. He has 60 plus years of experience as a weather man and knows his subject.

But he finally quit the American Meterological Society when, as he says, it became clear to him the politics had gotten in the way of the science.

John documents the entire story and shows how tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.

A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard.

Al Gore took up the idea of global warming and promoted it, popularising it with several books which he authored.

Professor Revelle tried to calm things down years later, saying and writing “The scientific basis for a greenhouse warming is too uncertain to justify drastic action at this time”.

But Gore said Revelle was senile and dismissed him — and the science and facts.

And global warming became a media message, a Hollywood cause which made it into a popular “reality” requiring tax dollars and expensive programs, funding and political measures at a global international level.

John Coleman meanwhile examines the cold hard statistics and facts like the health of polar bear population which are actually doing fine at this time, the decrease in the number and intensity of tornadoes, when looked at over a longer time period, and compares it to what is touted in the press and talked up on the media. They are two different pictures….

John tells the story in his youtube Video which you can see below.

It’s another look at a contemporary issue.

I came across a new viewpoint about the world we live in and to say the least it was quite a surprising and totally fascinating glimpse of things.

We are all used to hearing music though our tastes can differ about what we like to hear. And we are used to hearing the everyday sounds of the environment we live in, whether in a city or the country side, seaside or mountain side, there are cars, radios and tv’s, planes and trains, construction equipment, police sirens and ambulances, tractors and vacuum cleaners and till machines, and if we are lucky, birds and the sound of the waves on rocks, and wind in the trees and children laughing.

And we see the patterns of the waves in the sand, the clouds in the sky.

But what if there was a reeaally rrreeaally simple basic level that sound and vibration operated at to shape the physical world we inhabit.

What if the amount of vibration shaped the patterns or the forms in the physical universe.

A new science called Cymatics is exploring just exactly that.

Here are some fascinating youtube videos showing just how amazing this new look at the world is. It is described in a video called Amazing Resonance Experiment which you can find here:

and here in another fascinating glimpse into the transforming designs of sand particles in response to different vibration tones here: Incredible UV Sand Resonance Experiment:

Scottish Castles

For many people, as we come up to the General Election on 6th June, there are mixed feelings about our future. Will we stay as one United Kingdom? There are mixed feelings about staying in the European Union, about leaving it, about remaining joined at the hip like as the United Kingdom, or gong our separate ways as part of the different nations that comprise the United Kingomd.

This is not going to be a political blog about the Brexit, about the future of the Union.

I did want point out some wonderful Scottish castles and celebrate the unique views and landscape of Scotland.

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What Makes A Life Successful.

Spent some time the other day researching successful people and what they said about making their lives successful.

Surprisingly some completely different people said remarkably similar things.

Let’s take a look.

Well, I started with Karen Brady, successful business woman and entrepreneur, side kick of Lord Alan Sugar on The Apprentice television show. She made her way to fame and success as the Managing Director of Birmingham Cootball Club. She took over as their manager when the club was in administration and brought it to success selling it four years later. Not only did she make her way in a tough competitive world, it was a man’s world at that.

She is now on the board of West Ham United as well as involved with other business activities. She was created a Baronness and is now known as Baronness Brady of Knightsbridge. She has been voted Business Woman of the Year and is rated on of the 50 most inspirational speakers in the world.

And one of the first things she accredits with her success is knowing herself, working out what was important to her, what she valued and believed in and then being true to that in the way she lived her life, keeping her own personal integrity.

And then to find someone completely different, there was Arnold Schwarznegger, born in a small village in Austria, he dreamed of a different life, larger than his village could contain. In the peace and quiet of the village life in the mountains he could hear himself think and worked out what he wanted.

And having worked this out for himself, he set about his path to achieve this goal by becoming a body building champion, so that he could get to America and get into films and be a movie star and earn a lot of money with his name up high up in the billboards.
Not just any champion, but Mr Universe!

And he did it.

It started with the quiet voice inside himself, and working out what HE wanted, who he wanted to be, not what his parents and teachers and friends told him to be. And then having worked this, out trusted himself.

And worked like hell to achieve his dreams, to make his vision come true.

After that, he wanted to give something back and that led him to his role as a public servant as the Governor of California. As he puts it in his words, the governor in the best state in America, in the best country in the world.

It wasn’t easy, born in another country, an Austrian with a thick accent, to rise to a prominent political position. But he did it despite the barriers and obstacles. making him an inspiration to many.

For his many contributions and results, the University of Southern California awarded him its highest honour as a Doctor of Humane Letters, an honorary degree, in 2009. He then spoke to the assembled and audience giving his 6 Rules for Success.

You can watch the full speech here.

This is a post my friend Sara put on her blog. It resonated with me and so I thought I would pass it on.

I found her advice to be very practical and helpful. So this is what she has to say.

But I Don’t Have Time!


“I don’t make enough money online because I don’t have time.”
Sounds familiar?

When asked for their biggest challenge in Internet Marketing, my subscribers listed this as the number one challenge.

How about you?

Do you have time-constraints that are stopping you from making money online?

Actually, me too…
I also don’t have time to spare.

As a (very tired) mom of 6 kids, who is currently expecting another child, I’m also quite low on time.

Yet I have managed to find the time to make money online from my own affiliate sites (and free web 2.0 properties).

I also own an online course that I promote and for which I provide support (In fact, I just spent a lot of time updating my course so that the information is completely up to date).

And I’m now putting the finishing touches on a new program that will take people by the hand, coach them, and “force” them to succeed (I put a lot into this and am very proud of how it’s turning out).

I’m not telling you all this to brag. I just want it to be clear that I know what I’m talking about and am pretty qualified to give you advice on how to make money even if you have little time.

So – what’s the trick?

Well, the idea is to use whatever time you do have wisely and accomplish with a little bit of your time what others take longer to do.

Tip #1: Create a Plan for Success

If your goal is to make money as fast and as much as possible, ask yourself this question:

What is my surest, easiest, and fastest path to cash?

If you are like me, you can’t afford to spend time on things that don’t work, or that only work sometimes, or that would take too long to learn or implement.

You have to focus on a plan that works.

Don’t waste your time on things that just sound like they may work. You need to be convinced that your plan is most likely to get you there.

And as I’ve said in the past, there are different options you can take.

Pick one, and base your plan around it.

Now, let’s say you decide that creating affiliate niche sites would be a good choice for you. These are sites that are focused on a tight niche and rank well on Google.

So what you need to do is learn the minimum steps required to make money with niche sites and just go for it. You can always get more information on how to improve and do better later.

So if you’re going for affiliate niche sites, you need to focus on:

Learning how to pick products and keywords that sell
Learning how to create sites that sell
Creating sites based on those products and keywords
and getting traffic to those sites
That is it.

You don’t need to watch videos on copywriting.

You don’t need to learn how to create pretty graphics.

You don’t need to read dozens of emails on the latest guru launch.

Stay away from these things.

You just need to follow the plan you mapped out.

Too many times I see people who do not have a clear path in mind. They focus on the wrong things in their efforts, and are too scattered to succeed. Don’t be like them.

If you keep your goal in mind and a general path to get to that goal, you are much more likely to succeed even with very little time.

Tip #2: A Daily List
Now that you have a goal, and a way to reach your goal, you need to take it day by day.

Every day (or the night before) make a list of the most important things you need to do that day to reach your goal.

And when it’s time to work on your business start tackling your list.

Make your list very specific. And in order of priority.

For example:

Find 3 high-volume, low-competition keywords
Write an article for each of my keywords
Set up my blog
Then focus on the items on your list and cross them off one by one.

Do the most important task first, then the next, and then the next.

Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by anything else.

If you do this, you will get to your goal much faster than if you don’t.

Tip #3: Divide and Conquer

You don’t have to work full time on your business to succeed.

What you need to do is figure out how much time you have and what you can do with that time.

Even if you just have 1/2 hour to work at a time, cut your tasks up into small pieces and see what you can do in that 1/2 hour.

For example:

Research products on Amazon
Find a good keyword to target
Write an article (or perhaps just a draft)
Buy a domain and set up a blog
Then, every time you have a 1/2 hour, just pick one of the items on your list and do it.

You will see that these chunks of time add up and soon enough you will have income coming in.

Tip #4: Get Things Done
It’s very important to get things done, even if they are not done perfectly.

It’s ok if your site doesn’t look good. In fact, many of my ugly sites do very well.

It’s ok if your content is not perfect – you can always change it later.

It’s ok if one method of backlinking is not working well for you – you can always use others.

But it’s not ok to get stuck.

Just get things done and move on.

It’s those who get things done – even if not perfectly – who succeed in the end.

Getting things done is what counts. Remember that.

These things make a difference
One thing I always keep in mind when I design my training programs is this time issue.

That’s why I make sure they include a very focused plan, with clearly designed small steps that will ensure that you are sticking to the right path.

And best of all – feedback from me or my assistants to make sure that the work done will indeed bring results.

Another thing that really helps is that I allow my students access to my outsourcers so they don’t have to do certain time-consuming (and boring) tasks (if they are necessary).

Because making the most of your time is extremely important!

So – what do you think?
How do you handle this challenge of not having enough time?

Are you allowing it to stop you? Or do you have your own way of handling this problem?

Have any tips to share?

Please let me know by leaving a comment.

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