What’s Coming Up in 2017

There are lots of people doing internet marketing. Some are better at than others.

One who stands the test of time in my eyes is John Thornhill

He has been working at internet marketing now since 2008.

So he has seen the business change and develop through the years. Yet he stays on top of it. And he develops many streams to his original line of work and income.

I can say he is also sincere, hardworking and ethical.

He gives back and genuinely works to make others successful. I’ve seen him to do this over and over.

I can say that I have come across many other people who started their online business or took it to the next level and owe their success to things they learned from one of John. John has many short information courses or you can participate in his master program called Partnership to Success.

On the Partnership to Success program people learn about the basics of how to set up a wordpress blog, your email responder, monetize it and all the other technical details involved in setting up an internet business up to how to set up a membership site and run a helpdesk and launch products of your own.

John will helps people get started. He will help you launch your own products if you want this. And you can get help from him and his many affilitiates. He will also provide you with access to other members on his programs so you can make contacts in the internet world to further develop your own activities.

It is possible to get help, advice and input on many issues or specific questions as well as keep up to date with changes of all kinds that are taking place on day to day level such as how mobile devices and apps are being integrated into web pages, what platforms are good to use for what types of products.

One of the most popular ways to make a living on line is through using the power and reach of Amazon.

If you are looking for a SIMPLE, yet HIGHLY EFFECTIVE way to tap into Amazons huge Marketplace and create multiple money making Amazon stores, or even just monetize an existing site you own IN SECONDS…then John has an answer coming in the near future.


With InstantAzon you have the power to tap into Amazon’s huge 250+ MILLION Marketplace and create eye catching affiliate based ads in seconds and fully functional professional eCommerce stores in minutes!

InstantAzon gives you all this, and much more, at your fingertips, allowing you to monetize ALL your websites instantly.

InstantAzon is geared to allow people to monetize their eixisting WordPress Blog and build Amazon based stores fast. In fact, with InstantAzon it’s possible to build a fully functional professional level store in a matter of minutes if you don’t have one or build more stores if you want to and set yourself up with multiple income streams

Also, with the unique ‘instant monetization’feature it is possible to monetize ANY site in a matter of seconds.

So if you want to know more about this opportunity coming up soon, come back soon and I’ll have more information for you.

Making Progress

When I first started out, it ticked all the boxes. And I jumped in feet first. Great, I thought. I’ve started. This is easy. And so began an interest in Internet Marketing, or Information Publishing as some people describe it.

That feeling lasted for about a week.

Then, suddenly, I was swamped. There were SOOooo many things to learn, things to do to get up and running before I even got to square zero, new words, no definitions, new actions on the computer, jumping off from what felt like the top board, when I should be at the shallow end of the pool, sites I’d never heard of and now needed to be able to navigate around. Yes life on the control panel side is different from the happy browser clicking her way around the internet…. With only a few hours a couple of evenings a week, the course zoomed out ahead of me. And me, I was still at the starting post working out which way to face, staring at glitches and stopped by the hitches, confused by the stitches it took to keep it together.

Suddenly a year went by. I didn’t quite make it to the end of the course. But I didn’t give up on it, dipped in and out of it, slipped around and about in it, picked up bits of it….always came back to it…maybe one day…

But today was a good day. I got back to my blog, poshed up a post, published it promptly. Did some work on the course. Wow, that wasn’t so tough.

Found some later lessons, took a sneak peak, didn’t collapse in a heap.

Gosh, now that makes more sense. I can see where I am going and how to get there. And now I can see how I can use it and make it my own.

It’s exciting and looks like good fun. I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and do some more.