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The Silk Road has fascinated me ever since I first heard about it.

The ancient route across Europe and the Middle East, across Asia all the way to China.
Legendary Marco Polo travelled the road nearly a thousand years ago across lands that were unimaginable to those who lived at that time,

A journey on horse back, camel back and even yak, over snow-capped mountains and rocky passes, through deep valleys and wide open, vast deserts, stopping only at remote caravanserais for rest, water and some conversation. it’s a life so different to our western world today.

What was it like then? Joanna Lumley takes an adventure through time to show us a glimpse of life as it once was lived by so many, as it has been for hundreds of years before and still is for a few following their traditional way of life.

Our modern Western world has gone through many changes. We can see so much with the touch of button and a good internet connection that we can see it all sitting at home.

Is that the same as the smell of spice in the bazaar, the colours on the ceiling of the mosque, the feel of the handmade carpet.

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